20 December 1990, CERN nuclear research centre: Tim Berners-Lee, a software developer described as “brilliant, obsessed”, designs the very first website of the World Wide Web.
Tim Berner-Lee pioneered the way and unleashed an incredible wave of new possibilities.
A wave of prosperity. A wave of rapid, dynamic advancement.
All of these things came about through one man’s brilliant stroke of genius.
Today – 30 years later – we compete for our customers with the same pioneering spirit, enthusiasm and also a certain obsession.
No question, today it is no longer a challenge to bring a website onto the web. Our pioneering spirit therefore flows into the development of simple, customer-oriented solutions.
We are there to support small and medium-sized businesses, and thus the basis of our economy, with well thought-out complete packages.
This is what we stand for with all our expertise.